Bioidentical Hormones replacement Mahanoy City, PA - Balance Health Center

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help both men and women suffering from age-related hormone imbalance reclaim their health, vitality, and overall well-being. This in-depth guide from the hormone experts at Balance Health Center covers everything you need to know about bioidentical hormones and their life-changing benefits.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. The term "bioidentical" means the hormones are biologically identical to those found in the human body, unlike synthetic hormones, which are chemically altered.

Some of the most common bioidentical hormones prescribed include:

Our services

Why Bioidentical Hormones Matter

Bioidentical hormone levels decline with age, causing unpleasant symptoms and increased disease risk. Restoring optimal levels can reverse this.

Benefits of balanced bioidentical hormones include:

Balancing hormones can also lower risks for serious health issues like heart disease, dementia, and cancer.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

For women:

For men:

If you're experiencing any of the above symptoms, bioidentical hormone therapy may help reverse this accelerated aging process and help you feel youthful again.

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones.

An Overview of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) restores optimal hormone balance using customized doses of lab-made hormones that are molecularly identical to those found naturally in the body.

It is prescribed by specialists like our experienced physicians at Balance Health Center and tailored to meet each patient's individual hormonal needs.

BHRT is available in pills, creams, gels, shots/injections, sublingual drops, or pellet implants placed under the skin. The method chosen depends on the types of hormones needed and patient preference.

Our expert Balance Health Center practitioners help patients decide which bioidentical hormone therapy options are best for them during an initial consultation. We take baseline lab tests of hormone levels and then follow up periodically to ensure optimal dosing.

The Balance Health Center Difference

What sets Balance Health Center apart is our advanced diagnostics, leading-edge protocols focused on bioidentical hormone optimization, and patient-first approach.

We spend extensive time listening and designing fully individualized, effective treatment plans to meet each person's unique needs and health goals.

Our wellness philosophy emphasizes:

Key Features of Our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Programs

The Balance Health Center approach to bioidentical hormone therapy includes:

Initial Mapping of Hormone Levels

We test blood, saliva, or urine to measure bioavailable levels of all key hormones and identify imbalances to be addressed.

Follow-Up Testing and Adjustments

Hormone levels are retested periodically throughout treatment to ensure optimal balance is achieved and maintained long-term.

Multiple High-Quality Options

Bioidentical estrogens, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, and other hormones are available in pills, sublingual drops, gels/creams, pellets, or injections based on patient needs and requests. Only reputable hormone pharmacies are used to ensure brand quality and purity.

Lifestyle Guidance and Support

Lifestyle improvements can optimize the benefits of bioidentical hormones. Our clinicians offer personalized fitness, nutrition, and stress management support.

Careful Monitoring for Safety

While bioidentical hormones offer many benefits, they must be closely monitored to ensure safety. We carefully track hormone levels, metabolism markers, and screen for potential side effects.

Restore your health with bioidentical hormones. Contact us today.

Debunking Myths About Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

The hormone experts at Balance Health Center help clarify fact versus fiction.

Myth: BHRT is unsafe or increases cancer risk.

Fact: When properly dosed and monitored, research confirms bioidentical hormones are safe for both women and men. They do NOT raise cancer risks and may lower risks for some cancers.

Myth: The safety of compounded BHRT is questionable.

Fact: The quality and reliability of bioidentical hormones from reputable compounding pharmacies match those of major pharmaceutical companies. At Balance Health Center, we only use the highest-standard compounded medications.

Myth: The effects of bioidentical hormone pills, creams, and gels last just a few hours.

Fact: While injections, implants, and sublingual forms have longer activity, well-absorbed topical creams or gels sustain stable hormone levels long-term. We individualize to each patient's needs and preferences.

Myth: Synthetic hormone replacement works just as well.

Fact: Numerous studies confirm bioidentical hormones have better safety profiles and efficiently bind to human hormone receptors compared to synthetics.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance and Deficiency

Many symptoms of aging, like fatigue, sexual dysfunction, and weight gain, stem from declining hormone levels. Bioidentical hormone therapy succeeds when imbalances are properly diagnosed.

We identify hormone deficiencies using:

These fully assess available levels of key hormones like estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, melatonin, and thyroid.

Diagnostic mapping uncovers issues needing hormonal support for optimal health and function.

Table 1. Key lab tests our practitioners use to identify hormone imbalances

Women Men
Estradiol Testosterone (free & total)
Progesterone Estradiol
Testosterone (free and total) Thyroid panel (T3, T4)
DHEA-Sulfate PSA (prostate screen)
TSH, T3, T4 thyroid hormones Vitamin D
FSH, LH DHEA-Sulfate
Vitamin D HbA1c (for blood sugar)
HbA1c (for blood sugar) SHBG (binds sex hormones)

These advanced diagnostics uncover whether hormone levels are low, declining, or imbalanced. They help determine appropriate bioidentical hormones and optimal dosing.

We also screen standard health markers to assess heart, liver, kidney function, and rule out contraindications.

Ongoing testing continues periodically to ensure hormonal balance is restored and maintained within safe ranges long-term.

Choosing the Best Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Delivery Methods

There are multiple safe and effective methods to deliver customized doses of bioidentical hormones - what works best depends on the patient's health profile and personal preferences.

Balance Health Center practitioners guide patients in selecting optimal modalities from leading options:

Bioidentical hormone pellets - Tiny implants inserted under the skin steadily release hormones over 4-6 months. Considered very convenient as no daily dosing is required. Useful when balanced levels are stable long-term.

Injections - Shots or inserts of estradiol, testosterone, and other bioidentical hormones get directly into the bloodstream for predictable effects. Short-acting forms may be weekly. Lasts 2-3 weeks, convenient for travel.

Creams or gels - Topicals are rubbed into the skin, delivering a steady daily dose absorbed evenly over 24 hours. Available for both men and women. Easy to adjust dosing amounts as needed. Requires daily application. Only high-quality creams or gels from trusted pharmacies are prescribed by Balance Health Center.

Sublingual drops - Liquid bioidentical hormones held briefly under the tongue then swallowed are put directly into the bloodstream, avoiding digestive breakdown. Convenient short-term option.

Oral pills - The most familiar way to supplement hormones but can be less effective as digestive absorption is inefficient. Micronized progesterone, DHEA, and melatonin pills may be used short-term along with other methods.

Balance Health Center experts thoughtfully match the best modalities to each patient based on an in-depth evaluation during an initial consultation. We offer all leading options, so the methods used can be changed if needed to sustain optimal effects long-term without side effects.

Table 2. Pros and cons of various bioidentical hormone delivery methods

Method Pros Cons
Oral pills Familiar Inefficient absorption
Creams/gels Steady effects, easy Daily application
Injections Direct to bloodstream Weekly
Sublingual drops Rapid effects Multiple daily doses
Implants Long-lasting Insert/remove

Who Can Benefit from Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormone therapy effectively relieves multiple symptoms of hormone imbalance for both women and men from young adulthood through later life:

For Women

Imbalances of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone frequently occur during perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. BHRT eases symptoms like hot flashes, sleep disruption, weight gain, low libido, and mood changes that impair quality of life.

Hormone optimization in earlier adulthood can also relieve PMS and PCOS while supporting fertility and healthy pregnancy.

For Men

Low testosterone starts for most men by age 50, called andropause, with ED, reduced muscle mass/strength, fatigue, depression, and weight gain. Testosterone therapy boosts energy, sexual health, physical fitness, and mood.

DHEA and other hormone deficiencies can also start in the 40s and 50s. Restoring balance sustains robust function and youthfulness through later life.

Key Point: Bioidentical hormones offer life-changing relief from the many signs of aging and imbalance, including sexual, cognitive, emotional, and physical decline. BHRT helps both women and men feel healthy and vibrant at any age.

What to Expect When Starting Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Beginning a personalized bioidentical hormone therapy program with guidance from the Balance Health Center medical team is straightforward. Here is what to expect:

Initial Consultation - We conduct an extensive health analysis, evaluate hormone tests, assess lifestyle factors, map genomic risks, and listen to your symptoms, needs, and health goals. A customized treatment plan is designed specifically for your hormone profile and bioindividuality.

Hormone Restoration - We prescribe bioidentical estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, thyroid, or other hormones in safe initial doses averaging 2-4 weeks to reach optimal levels. Multiple delivery methods give choices based on effectiveness, safety, and convenience.

Follow-Up & Adjustments - Hormone levels are retested during the first month to ensure proper balance is achieved, monitoring for potential side effects, and making any needed dose adjustments.

Lifestyle Guidance - Guidance on tailored fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, and other lifestyle measures can optimize hormone therapy results and longevity.

Careful Monitoring - We periodically recheck hormone blood/saliva levels, metabolic markers like cholesterol profiles, blood sugar, and relevant screenings to ensure safety and efficacy long-term.

FAQs on Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Q: Are bioidentical hormones safe?

Yes, extensive research confirms that individually balanced and carefully monitored bioidentical estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and others are safe for both women and men when properly dosed. They carry few risks and many protective benefits.

Q: Can hormones increase my risks for cancer?

No, appropriately prescribed and monitored bioidentical hormone therapy does NOT raise risks for cancers. On the contrary, studies show bioidentical testosterone and estrogen have a protective effect and may reduce cancer incidence versus synthetic hormones.

Q: How soon will I feel results from bioidentical hormones?

Most patients report rapid improvements in symptoms of hormone imbalance like hot flashes, fatigue, low mood, sexual function, muscle loss, or mental fog within the first weeks as hormone levels restore to optimal balance. Further benefits continue over the first 3-6 months on hormone therapy.

Q: Are pellet implants painful?

No, testosterone, estradiol, or other bioidentical hormone implants are easily and quickly inserted under the skin in minutes using local numbing. The tiny rods release consistent doses lasting several months before a simple removal and replacement.

Q: Can men benefit as much as women from bioidentical hormones?

Absolutely! Balanced bioidentical testosterone is highly beneficial for men over 40, providing increased energy, sexual function, mood, muscle retention, motivation, and more youthful drive throughout the aging process into later life.

Q: I'm // - am I too old for this?

You're never too old to restore hormones to levels optimal for your age, gender, and current health status. Whether you're experiencing early symptoms in your 30s/40s or already progressing through andropause/menopause, properly balanced bioidentical hormones can turn back the clock and support healthy aging.


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a safe and effective solution for men and women experiencing hormone imbalances and the unpleasant symptoms associated with aging. By optimizing hormone levels, BHRT can help individuals reclaim their energy, vitality, and overall well-being, while also reducing the risk of various age-related diseases.

At Balance Health Center, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalized care and tailored treatment plans. We use advanced diagnostic tools, high-quality bioidentical hormones, and a range of delivery methods to ensure optimal results for each patient.

If you're experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance or simply want to take a proactive approach to healthy aging, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our clinic. Together, we can explore the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy and develop a customized plan to help you feel your best at any age.

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